
The peaceful path to a resolution

Our attorneys will work together with other professionals and attorneys on your behalf in matters of divorce and family law. We work together to find resolutions toward common goals, rather than working against one another in court.

Find resolutions & negotiate challenging agreements through collaboration

About Collaborative Law?

Many people who have disputes really do not wish to litigate.  It can be both emotionally and financially draining.  A neutral third party can assist the parties in reaching a fair process through either the mediation or collaborative process.

Mediation and Collaboration are methods of resolving cases without expensive, time-consuming, and painful litigation.  The Orr Law Firm has attorneys who are certified and approved to handle both types of matters.

About Collaborative Law

Collaborative law is a process that is relatively new in downstate Illinois.  It involves couples who have decided to end their relationship and choose to work with a team of professionals to resolve their issues.  The team may consist of lawyers, financial professionals, mental health counselors, appraisers and more who help the parties to arrive as a resolution. Efforts are not typically duplicated, so the parties agree on one professional for guidance.  For example, if real estate needs valued, the parties agree on one appraiser to give them a value.

The Illinois Collaborative Process Act does not make the process mandatory in Illinois, but indicates that it may be used for family or domestic relations cases.  Both parties must agree to the process, and they may change their minds at any point. A Participation Agreement is signed by the parties so that both are clear as to what to expect.
Twila Orr is trained in the collaborative law process.

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Discuss your legal situation with our experienced attorneys and see how we can help. You will receive compassion, discretion and the highest level of professionalism every step of the way.

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